
How to join the Church.

Membership is rooted in faith in Jesus Christ as Savior & acceptance of His Lordship over all of life. This relationship then bears the fruit of ministry. Every member is a minister – minister members elect & ordain officers to carry out particular tasks in the life of church. At the end of confirmation and/or membership classes, we aim to have students (youth and adults) well informed enough in their relationship with Jesus Christ and the people in the world whom He died for,  to make their own decision to join Christ’s Body, His Church.  In the Book of Order (like the Constitution of the US government), the church nurtures those baptized as children (the congregation and parents made this vow at baptism if you were baptized as an infant) and calls them to make public their personal profession of faith and their acceptance of responsibility in the life of the church. Part of joining the church means potential members come to a Session meeting to let them know and welcome those new to our community.  After that, in Sunday morning worship, we will receive you as active members and celebrate that God keeps adding more and more leaves to the Table!

Baptism at our church.

What is it?
Our tradition (the Reformed Tradition) recognizes baptism as a Sacrament. A Sacrament is a sign of the real presence and power of Christ in the Church and a symbol of God’s action. Through the sacrament of baptism, God seals believers in redemption, renews their identity as the people of God, and marks them for service.
Baptism is the sign and seal of God’s grace and covenant in Christ. In baptism we participate in Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Baptism represents:

  • the faithfulness of God
  • the washing away of sin
  • rebirth
  • putting on the fresh garment of Christ
  • being sealed in God’s Spirit
  • adoption into the covenant family of the church
  • resurrection and knowledge in Christ.

Baptism signifies the beginning of life in Christ, not its completion. That is, in baptism, we begin our life of faith and at every stage of life we are continually asked to renew our faithfulness to Christ. We do this by leading a life in which we faithfully follow Jesus Christ and obediently listen to God’s action in our lives.

What happens when I/we decide to have my/our child baptized or I want to be baptized?
First you will notify the Pastor. The pastor will set up a time to meet with you and discuss the sacrament of baptism and your intention to carry out the responsibilities that come with baptism. If, after this meeting, you desire to have your child baptized or you would like to be baptized, the pastor will take your request to the Session. It is the responsibility of the Session to authorize all baptisms. After the Session approves the baptism, a date will be set and the baptism will take place during one of the regular services of worship on Sunday morning.