Fellowship Time Cancelled
Mar 22 @ 10:15 am – 10:45 am
Fellowship Time Cancelled

We gather for church fellowship each Sunday after the church services for coffee and treats.

Coffee Hour is a great time to meet and catch up with friends and members of the congregation.

We want visitors to know that they are welcome to join us in Fellowship Hall after the service each Sunday.

Nurture Committee Meeting Cancelled
Mar 22 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Nurture Committee Meeting Cancelled

Nurture committee session members: Kristy Klyn (chair), Bev Boyd, Gwyn Heston, Melodee Grefe, Ellen Workman

  • Christian Ed,
  • Christian Nurture,
  • Missions & Evangelism

If you would like to volunteer to help the Nurture Committee, please join us.

Lenten Bible Study Cancelled
Mar 25 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Our Lent Bible Study continues Wednesdays in March! March 11th, 18th & 25th at 6:00pm! You can get a packet from outside the office! All are welcome and we would love to have anyone who is interested to please join us!

Leadership Training Meeting Cancelled
Mar 28 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Leadership Training Meeting

Sunday School for all ages Cancelled
Mar 29 @ 8:30 am – 9:10 am
Sunday School for all ages Cancelled

Please join us for Sunday School.

All ages are welcome to join our Bible studies.

We meet in Fellowship Hall.

Worship Service is Online
Mar 29 @ 9:15 am – 10:15 am
Worship Service is Online

Please join us for Sunday Worship Online.

Sunday Service Video's



Fellowship Time Cancelled
Mar 29 @ 10:15 am – 10:45 am
Fellowship Time Cancelled

We gather for church fellowship each Sunday after the church services for coffee and treats.

Coffee Hour is a great time to meet and catch up with friends and members of the congregation.

We want visitors to know that they are welcome to join us in Fellowship Hall after the service each Sunday.

Offering Counter Training Cancelled
Mar 29 @ 10:30 am – 11:00 am

Offering Counter Training

Personnel Meeting Cancelled
Mar 29 @ 10:30 am – 11:00 am
Palm Sunday Luminary Service
Apr 5 all-day

Palm Sunday


Called to follow: lay down our cloaks, and take up our cross


Suggested action:  Make newspaper or green colored palms


Opening Prayer

Jesus, You enter our life humbly riding on a donkey, staying at our level.  You center our hearts and minds.  Still our bodies be present now on Palm Sunday.  We remember Jesus entering Jerusalem to great acclaim and popularity.  People lined the streets, calling and shouting.  They thought he was their Liberator, their Savior, at last their Messiah.  They lay down a carpet of palm branches to welcome him but Jesus was not what they expected. He was far from the conquering hero making a triumphal entry.  In their excitement, they lost who Jesus really was.  He was lost in the crowd; for he laid aside Majesty,emptied himself of power, and entered Jerusalem as the servant King, humble and gentle, riding on the back of a beast of burden.

Today, we take up that challenge of Palm Sunday to be like Jesus and to lay down our pride and take up our cross. Today, we come to lay down our cloaks, all the things we have to protect ourselves from our fears, layers of protection that distance us from one another and from God.  We lay down all the layers of self interest and hardness of heart; we lay them down so that empty hands and open hearts receive the peace and joy and love and hope of God.  Amen.


Read Mark 11:1-11


Reflect on this question what are your cloaks that you want to lay down today?



We bring to God our cloaks, all our layers of protection, the ways we keep others at a distance.  We lay them down.

we wait for the Lord.

Keep watch take heart.

We bring to God our impatience and our expectations, our frustrations, and our unhappiness.  And we lay them down.  We bring to God all that we are hoping for and longing for, all that we are waiting for.  And we hold it all in the stream of God’s grace.  We bring to God all things that we could be the hidden, both potential and possibilities in our lives; and we hold it all in the streams of God’s grace.

Holy Spirit of God, we wait for you speak to us with your still small voice; quiet our fears; and hold us when we are anxious. Comfort us when we are distressed; renew our strength; restore our faith; refresh our vision; help us to wait with you through these days of Holy Week to make space in our lives to receive you.  Lord Jesus, when we lose sight of you, crowded out by our fears and anxiety, search us out with your piercing gaze; find us and hold us in your undefended heart of love.  And so may welay aside our false selves finding that in you.  Amen.



In You, we are made whole.

God in our longing, strength in our waiting,

love in our fearing, peace in our stillness,

be now with us and among us.

Jesus our brother, bring us your blessing now and always.Amen.