Holy Week – Wednesday
Apr 8 all-day

Holy Wednesday

Called to trust seeing changers second fiddles and learning humility healing and wholeness

Suggested Action:  kneel or sit, lay hands on or pray

Opening Prayer

God you know the worst in us, our fearful betrayals or weakness and our frailty. You go on trusting us. Quiet our hearts and minds as we still our bodies slower breathing and open you to ourselves. Amen.

Scripture  Psalm 55:12 – 14; Mark 14:10 – 11 and 17 – 21


In the last week of his life, Jesus had to face terrible suffering; but perhaps the hardest experience was to be betrayed by his friends.  It is those who are closest to us that have the greatest capacity to hurt us. Judas is remembered for his great betrayal, but Peter and each of the disciples also betrayed Jesus.  On Wednesday in Holy Week we come to face up to our fears, recognize our betrayals, and to ask for healing and wholeness to be reconciled to God to ourselves and one another.

Have you ever been betrayed? Are you afraid of being betrayed? We think of the many ways that we can betray the trust of others, such as relationships through infidelity and friendship when we let someone down is in business when we serve our own interests at work when people are overlooked or treated badly.

in our Bible reading, we hear of Judas’ betrayal of Jesus; it is so hard to understand his motives:  was that money, the 30 pieces of silver, or the money Judas said he took from the common purse? Was it power wanting to be on the winning side and not just getting caught up with the losers? Or did Judas feel that he would have to force Jesus’ hand and begin a rebellion?

In the end the motives don’t really matter; the betrayal happens.  Of course Judas isn’t the only one who betrays Jesus; all the disciples let him down, filled with fear.  They all ran away; Peter even denies knowing him.  And it is that fear behind betrayal that fateful evening.

Fear can bring out the worst in us; it can undermine our confidence, our best selves, and leave us to act in ways we deeply regret.  Fear of growing older can lead to a midlife crisis; fear of hardship can lead to a betrayal of trust; fear of losing status can lead to selfish actions.


Use this as a time for the laying on of hands and prayers for healing and wholeness

Those laying on hands may pray the following:

Spirit of the living God fill you heal you and make you whole in Jesus name, Amen

Lord Jesus, you know our deepest fears and hurts our darkest secrets our least attractive traits; you choose to trust us and to love us.  You choose to see the best that we can be; help us to face our hurts and fears, and trust you with them.  Help us and others to inhabit the best of ourselves, to live with your confidence in us, and when we do fail, when we betray ourselves and others, forgive us and help us to start again.  Amen.


God, in Your healing trust, in the face of failure, another chance when we betray, You love us, despite everything.  Be now among us, Jesus our brother.  Bring us your blessing now and always. Amen.


Maundy Thursday Online Service
Apr 9 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Maundy Thursday service will be held online.

Good Friday
Apr 10 all-day

Good Friday is the day we remember Jesus’ crucifixion. The hours of noon to 3 p.m. are particularly significant as these commemorate the time Jesus hung on the cross. It is an especially important time to pray for the church and the world for whom Christ gave his life.

Sunrise Service Online
Apr 12 @ 7:30 am – 8:30 am
Easter Sunday Service Online
Apr 12 @ 9:15 am – 10:15 am
Easter Sunday Service Online

Please join us for Sunday Worship Online.

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Worship Service Online
Apr 19 @ 9:15 am – 10:15 am
Worship Service Online

Please join us for Sunday Worship Online.

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Worship Service Online
Apr 26 @ 9:15 am – 10:15 am
Worship Service Online

Please join us for Sunday Worship Online.

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Worship Service Online
May 3 @ 9:15 am – 10:15 am
Worship Service Online

Please join us for Sunday Worship Online.




Mother’s Day
May 10 all-day
Worship Service Online
May 10 @ 9:15 am – 10:15 am
Worship Service Online

Please join us for Sunday Worship Online.